Corporate Advertising that has real impact.

This advertisement took this company’s identity to the next level.

And it seems everyone wants to know how we got elephants to walk on water. Those of you familiar with Photoshop will understand. We combined three photos, adjusted colors, added lighting effects, modified the elephant photo, added shadows and made some other tweaks.

Effective visual communication.

The first thing an ad must do is stop the reader. Interrupt their train of thought. Get them to pay attention. This ad made a powerful impression in Oil and Gas trade publications for our client Vanco Energy. No one missed it as they thumbed through the magazine. It stopped every reader. It made an impression. An impression that reinforced our client’s message: Based on preliminary seismic data, they had some “Elephants” (a common industry term for a giant oil field) in their 26 million lease acres offshore Africa.

Vanco liked it so much, they used it for many other applications. And still do. We intended it to become a symbol of the company.

The way we used the elephant also helped the company develop a positive relationship with the people of the region who revere the elephant. Government agencies asked for a poster of the ad. The editor of one of the Oil and Gas publications in which we ran the ad also requested a poster. Many suppliers and vendors also requested posters. has good reach and is therefore much more valuable.

Vanco is getting a lot of mileage out of this one idea. And it won top awards in American Advertising Association, American Marketing Association and Art Director’s Club of New York competitions for excellence.

Below are the photos used to create the image for the advertising:

© 2010 Steven Sessions Inc.

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6 Responses to “Corporate Advertising that has real impact.”

  1. Tina says:

    I came to your “The first thing advertising must do. | Branding and Marketing” page via Google — you were on the front page of search results and I have to tell you I think your work for this energy company is awesome :) Take care.

  2. Nannette Benje says:

    If an advertisment is not memorable it fails its first task.

  3. carri-polk says:

    Photography as a tool has been used for well over a hundred years now as a means of collecting or archiving information. In modern day advertising, photography is used as a method of communicating something and usually something that is real. You’ve been very creative here using photography in an artistic way blending real photographs with images and making a montage, to create strong impact. I’m a marketing student and your work hope helps me think a little bit more about the power of visual imagery.

  4. Enderlin Dilon says:

    This is an amazing post, thanks.

  5. Marceline Renaudo says:

    This is really clever stuff, I must say.

    Your girl Mary :)

  6. Barton Abshire says:

    I love the creativity behind this ad. So inspiring for designers that are hoping to create the next great creative ad for their client. I’m glad there are still some creative minds at work out there. Thanks for sharing!

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