Archive for July, 2010

Rebranding an organization which has a distinguished history.

Monday, July 19th, 2010

Branding has been shown to be a very effective activity in an organization’s efforts to increase its influence in a marketplace. This increased influence equals increased sales, increased awareness, increased understanding, increased margins, increased business valuation, etc. And this strategy is as effective for non-profit organizations as it is for companies.

The Young Men’s Christian Association is a charity well known by its initials, YMCA. And as is popular in the marketplace, names are shortened in common use. Jennifer Lopez is known as J-Lo. And the Young Men’s Christian Association has for years been known as the “Y.”

Now the Young Men’s Christian Association has formally dropped those four descriptive words in favor of the single letter “Y.” And they have modified the visual identity and logo as well. Is this a good idea? The short answer is (more…)