Posts Tagged ‘managing identity’

Corporate Advertising that has real impact.

Friday, September 10th, 2010

This advertisement took this company’s identity to the next level.

And it seems everyone wants to know how (more…)

After all the news about the Toyota vehicle recall, what do you think?

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010


Being recognized for who you are.

Thursday, December 31st, 2009

The risks and rewards of “Profiling.”

Profiling has become a “dirty word” in America. Probably because of its association with the practice of “racial profiling.” Indeed, in a perfect world people would not be judged by appearances. Of course this is no perfect world but with laws against it and public opinion all across the country firmly opposed to it, do we still see it in operation? Does it provide some unique benefit to those employing it? A benefit that we cannot replace?

The terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 forced a debate. And December 2009’s two incidents involving Nigerian Muslims on Delta flights to Detroit have renewed the debate. (more…)

Kmart’s Blue Light Special, no longer special.

Friday, February 7th, 2003
Originally published in the Houston Business Journal, February 2003

The penalty that businesses pay when they ignore the power and value of strategic branding is usually fatal, especially when facing savvy competitors. This is true even if they are the category leader.

Attention Kmart Shoppers! The bankrupt discounter is ending its 40-year presence in Houston, closing all 17 area stores and eliminating hundreds of jobs as the nationwide chain sheds low-performing stores. The giant retailer, formerly one of the best known in the U.S., announced this past week it would shutter another 326 stores and lay off 37,000 workers nationwide. It is a classic example of a company failing to comprehend the critical need for competitive positioning in a highly competitive economic environment.


Graphic Design is a Mickey Mouse concern.

Friday, September 15th, 1995
Originally published in the Houston Business Journal, September 1995

On a cold, dark day in the middle of the Depression, surprisingly, Americans plopped down what little money they had to watch a feature-length animated film called “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” The rest is history.

From his first big success, a graphic designer with good business sense named Walt Disney (more…)