Posts Tagged ‘Marketing’

Why Lawyers Wear Suits

Thursday, January 26th, 2012


Baker Botts LLP has just taken the lead in Houston. The city’s third largest law firm has formally adopted a return to a traditional dress code. The casual dress code may be a passing fad, but

Corporate Advertising that has real impact.

Friday, September 10th, 2010

This advertisement took this company’s identity to the next level.

And it seems everyone wants to know how (more…)

Companies raised their marketing spending in this last recession and saw sales increase.

Wednesday, June 30th, 2010


When should a company increase marketing spending? Most companies during a recession think it is wise to reduce marketing budgets to save money, and the drop has been extreme as spending plunged 12.3% — the largest annual drop ever, more than three times more severe than the next worst drop of 3.9% in 1991.

But 26 of the top 100 marketers bucked the trend and boosted 2009 . 70% of those spending more saw a U.S. sales increase – double the success rate of those who reduced their spending according to (more…)

Outperform the market.

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010

In today’s marketplace a Brand is one of the very very few sustainable competitive advantages a company can own. Credit Suisse research shows an index of companies spending at least (more…)

After all the news about the Toyota vehicle recall, what do you think?

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010


Who dat owner? David or Goliath?

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

The National Football League in a public display of foolishness sent official cease and desist letters to several small Louisiana T-shirt shop owners ordering them to stop producing and selling t-shirts bearing the phrase “Who dat.” It seems the NFL (more…)

What is more important in the marketplace, the Brand or the Product?

Sunday, January 17th, 2010

Houston made the short list of cities under consideration for the 2012 Olympic Games but ultimately lost out in the final culling. But then, regarding the 2016 Olympics, Houston didn’t even make the short list. This despite having the best collection of physical assets and excellent leadership. In 2006 I wrote an article for the Houston Business Journal about this Olympic site selection review.


U.S. Olympic Committee Board Chairman Peter Ueberroth said of Mayor Bill White and Harris County Judge Bob Eckels, “They were spectacular. They were in a class by themselves in terms of administration. They were just so far ahead of any other city, it wasn’t close. … (more…)

The significance of a logo redesign.

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009

Is The Detroit Lions Logo Change Appropriate?

President Obama said it was time for change. And apparently the beleaguered Detroit Lions got the message. At a news conference April 20, 2009 the Lions announced that they changed their Logo from the one they’ve had since 1961. And it’s a good thing they told us they changed it, because if they hadn’t, it’s doubtful anyone would’ve noticed. Of course, Lions president Tom Lewand also admitted the obvious saying that this won’t turn around the team’s image unless the team improves on the football field. That said, a change in visual identity could serve as a powerful signal for change on the field and can motivate and encourage fan support. It’s an important clue. No other initiative offers more promise in enabling business transformation than effective branding. The key word however, is “effective.” By accurately defining the new company position, expressing it consistently through all marketing materials and forming tight alignment across the organization, it will: (more…)


Thursday, July 30th, 2009

Welcome! Enjoy our blog. Who are we? We’re a team of professionals experienced at creating Branding and Marketing designed to increase both sales and business valuation for clients. The SessionsGroup has achieved over 25 years of established credibility in the planning, design and production of corporate communications materials. We apply our creativity within a strategic framework and have demonstrated all the qualities necessary for creating effective branding, marketing and advertising. And in response to numerous requests, we’ve started this blog. We hope to have the time to post, and that our posts are all interesting. We’ll also post a few of our articles previously published in business papers and magazines, if relevant.

Unique window of opportunity today for smart community banks.

Friday, November 7th, 2008
Originally published in the Houston Business Journal, November 7, 2008

The catastrophe brutalizing the banking industry is at the forefront of both the news and main street conversations around the world. A Gallup survey measuring consumer confidence in banks taken in late September showed an unprecedented drop from 40% in mid-July and is the lowest level in thirty years. Only 21% of consumers polled are confident in U.S. banks today. This erosion of confidence (more…)